
DeSmuME 0.9.2 Plus Gocha r2351

EmuCR:DeSmuMEDeSmuME 0.9.2 Plus Gocha r2351 is released.DeSmuME 0.9.2 Plus Gocha is a UNOFFICIAL DeSmuME ReRecording Build.DeSmuME ReRecording is the re-recording branch of DeSmuME 0.9.2.This is the development project for this branch of DeSmuME. Its primary function is to expand features related to the creation of Tool-Asssisted movies.

These binaries are built from the official svn.
Hopefully it has the same sync with desmume-rr-0.9.2 (but I'm not sure).
At least, they can play the OoE TAS WIP in TASvideos forum correctly.

It seems that the new savedata system (or something like that) broke the sync-compatibility.
"0.9.2plus-gocha" version is made from svn updates which doesn't break compatibility (that's just a guess though).
If it has different timings from rr-0.9.2 after all, don't curse me, please.

Download: desmume-0.9.2plus-gocha-r2351
Download: desmume-0.9.2plus-gocha-r2351-debug

MAME Plus! XT 0.132

EmuCR:MameUIMAME Plus! XT 0.132 is released. MAME Plus! XT is a variant of MAME Plus that adds additional features such as pcb (Printed Circuit Board) info, and xvid movie support.

Download:MAME Plus! XT 0.132

Dolphin SVN r3468

EmuCR:DolphinDolphin SVN r3468 is released.Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator.It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games.

Dolphin SVN changelog:
windows buildfix
padsimple: x is "c" by default and y is "s" by defualt - the arrangement it is on a gc pad...
UnitTests: keep intermediate files in own dir and copy binary to destination when built.
turn off copying UnitTests.exe to binary folder
Work being done. Had to change MAC address to my current one, Was being lazy to get MAC address from the device. One hack I was working with to get commercial games to work is removed, only one hack left. Socket Test responds to the DHCP packets every few tries, kind of a fail still. Haven't tested in Windows yet. If only commercial games worked, and socket test didn't fail still
Trying to fix MK:Wii save corruption (see r3344) while not breaking everything using wb mode...
Add a couple of comments to Zelda ucode HLE - now we know exactly what the DSPADPCM_FILTER is at least.
stop the preliminary zelda ucode from overreading from its own internal buffers.

Download:Dolphin SVN r3468 x86
Download:Dolphin SVN r3468 x64

Fceux SVN r1339

EmuCR:FceuxFceux SVN r1339 is released.FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches.The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.

Fceux SVN changelog:
Add empty files for TASEDIT_PROJECT class
update vc9 proj file
Changed the TASEdit project structure to a more OOP approach
Add taseditlib stuff to vc8 .vcproj
Just cleaned up a bit, removed unnecessary headers ETC.Next revision is 1337 ;)
Win32 - TASEDit, bleh added a Recent Project menu item, not yet hooked up.
Sound core - Square 1 & 2 volume controls no longer backwards. Fixed SF issue #2737653
doh, changelog

Download:Fceux SVN r1339

DeSmuME SVN r2368

EmuCR:DeSmuMEDeSmuME SVN r2368 is released.DeSmuME is a freeware emulator for the Nintendo DS(NDS).

DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
Remove including of targetver.h.
- sse2 optimizations (speed test http://www.turboupload.com/uzmjnuzfbvf/test_matrix_SSE2_09-06-16.ZIP)
ported previous
try fixing rc to work in 2010 and 2005
resource.h instead of resource1.h
preliminary lid recording
adding these files seems to help vc++ express build. i think it doesnt break full vs because their builtin versions have higher priority?

Download: DeSmuME SVN r2368

Aristotle Video Plugin SVN r60

Aristotle Video Plugin SVN r60 is released.Aristotle Video is a graphics plugin for Nintendo 64 Emulators. Aristotle Video is built off mudlords build of Rice Video.

Aristotle Video Plugin SVN changelog:
Update copyright a little bit

Download:Aristotle Video Plugin SVN r60

gpSP v0.9-2xb u5

EmuCR:gpSPgpSP v0.9-2xb u5 is released.gpSP is the best GBA emulator released for the PSP with great compatibility and performance. Exophase has gained instant respect and love from the scene for his emulator.
Many games already run very fast at 200mhz with sound and some frameskip.The Gameboy Advance emulator for PSP based on gPSP and gPSP kai source code has been updated by the anonymous Japanese coder.

gpSP v0.9-2xb u5 changelog:
- Added portrait drawing modes. They eliminate tearing but are slightly slower.
- Added page scrolling in ROM browser with L/R.
- 32MB ROM support fixed.

Download: gpSP v0.9-2xb u5

VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r878

VisualBoyAdvance VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r878 is released. VisualBoyAdvance-M(VBA-M) is a [Super] Game Boy [Color / Advance] emulator for Windows, Linux & Mac. Here you can get information about the latest development build of the Windows version and download it while you're at it.

VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r878 changelog:
* Similar changes as the last compile
* I fixed the DirectSound initialization as well as possibly other issues.
* I left this unencrypted/uncompressed since I know laterza and co. will plagarise this and commit more GPL violations. So, I don't care. And I am still waiting on thier encryptor which is supposed to be better than EXECryptor and Themida combined (to the laypeople, those 2 commercial EXE protectors are like Securom/Tages in strength in your games).

Download:VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r878 for windows
Download:VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r878 for linux

Ootake v2.14

Ootake v2.14 is released.Ootake is a PC Engine emulator for Windows. Ootake is the most frequently updated PC Engine emulator available for windows, and Ootake is also one of the more complete. Also, Ootake is FREE unlike Magic Engine.

Ootake v2.14 changelog:
- It corresponded to special horizontal display beginning position. In the start demo of "Final Blaster", the position where the screen was displayed became it as well as a real machine.
- In the game with special vertical display beginning position ("Final Blaster"), the bug that error had occasionally gone out was corrected.
- The bug of "Window Mode & Non-Stretched mode" of the "Screen" menu was corrected.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

Download: Ootake v2.14

Jpcsp SVN r1075

EmuCR:JPcspJpcsp SVN r1075 is released.JPCSP is a PlayStation Portable(PSP) emulator which is written in JAVA. JPCSP is the first PSP emulator that is written in JAVA. Most people think java is too slow. But Shadow and his team has proven us wrong. The newest Java versions are almost as fast as C which makes it very interesting for emu dev's. Shadow and his team are working day and night with pleasure on the emu, many coders have dedicated to the project. Because it's written in java many young devs find it interesting to learn how the emulator works.

JPcsp SVN changelog:
Fixed spamming saving settings file when focus was lost from the memory viewer window.
Fixed typo in debug state output.
Fixed Run button staying depressed when trying to run when nothing is loaded.
Added "ori $zr <=> li" disassembler alias.
Added "thread exit" log message under compiler mode.
Minor changes to several managers and modules.
Added MsgPipe support, mostly untested (issue 37).

Download: Jpcsp SVN r1075