
Snes9x GX 4.0.7

EmuCR: Snes9x GXSnes9x GX 4.0.7 is released.Snes9x GX is a Super Nintendo(SFC) emulator based on Snes9x, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and Crunchy2's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc.

Snes9x GX Features:
* Based on Snes9x 1.51 - superior ROM compatibility
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
* Cheat support
* Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* Open Source!

Snes9x GX 4.0.7 changelog:
* Fixed auto-update
* Increased file browser listing to 10 entries, decreased font size
* Added text scrolling on file browser
* Added reset button for controller mappings
* Settings are now loaded from USB when loading the app from USB on HBC
* Fixed menu crashes caused by ogg player bugs
* Fixed memory card saving verification bug
* Fixed game savebrowser bugs
* Miscellaneous code cleanup/corrections

Download:Snes9x GX 4.0.7 - GameCube
Download:Snes9x GX 4.0.7 - Wii

FCE Ultra GX 3.0.5

EmuCR: FCE Ultra GXFCE Ultra GX 3.0.5 is released.FCE Ultra GX is a modified port of the FCE Ultra 0.98.12 Nintendo Entertainment system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. With it you can play NES games on your Wii/GameCube(NGC). Version 2 is a complete rewrite based on code from SNES9x GX.

Snes9x GX Features:
* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
* 1-4 Player Support
* Zapper support
* Auto Load/Save Game States and RAM
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD (requires DVDx), SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
* Custom controller configurations
* 16:9 widescreen support
* Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes
* Turbo Mode - up to 2x the normal speed
* Zoom option to zoom in/out
* NES Compatibility Based on v0.98.12
* Open Source!

FCE Ultra GX 3.0.5 changelog:
* Fixed auto-update
* Increased file browser listing to 10 entries, decreased font size
* Added text scrolling on file browser
* Added reset button for controller mappings
* Settings are now loaded from USB when loading the app from USB on HBC
* Fixed original mode lockup bug
* Fixed menu crashes caused by ogg player bugs
* Fixed memory card saving verification bug
* Fixed game savebrowser bugs
* Miscellaneous code cleanup/corrections

Download:FCE Ultra GX 3.0.5 - GameCube
Download:FCE Ultra GX 3.0.5 - Wii

Visual Boy Advance GX 2.0.4

EmuCR: Visual Boy Advance GXVisual Boy Advance GX 2.0.4 is released.Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy(GB)/Game Boy Color(GBC)/Game Boy Advance(GBA) emulator based on VBA-M, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and emu_kidid's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc.

Visual Boy Advance GX/Wii Features:
- Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
- SRAM and State saving
- IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
- Custom controller configurations
- SD, USB, DVD, SMB, GC Memory Card, Zip, and 7z support
- Compatiblity based on VBA-M r847
- MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
- Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
- Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options

Visual Boy Advance GX/Wii 2.0.4 changelog:
* Fixed auto-update
* Increased file browser listing to 10 entries, decreased font size
* Added text scrolling on file browser
* Added reset button for controller mappings
* Settings are now loaded from USB when loading the app from USB on HBC
* Fixed menu crashes caused by ogg player bugs
* Fixed memory card saving verification bug
* Fixed game savebrowser bugs
* Miscellaneous code cleanup/corrections

Download:Visual Boy Advance GX 2.0.4 - GameCube
Download:Visual Boy Advance GX 2.0.4 - Wii

Turbo Engine v0.3

EmuCR: PCETurbo Engine v0.3 is released.Turbo Engine is an accuracy focused emulator which can emulate the following systems with very high degree of accuracy:NEC PC-Engine/TurboGrafx-16 ; NEC SuperGrafx m; CDROM2, Super CDROM2. It also has some other nice features as well ;) .

Turbo Engine v0.3 Changelog:
# Added CD-ROM emulation!!
# Added physical CD handling using ASPI.
# Added CUE/BIN/ISO+OGG/MPC support.
# Savestate support for CD-ROM games.
# Fixed a timer issue which fixes Double Dungeons and Champions Forever Boxing.
# Fixed B&W mode not working when brighten disabled.
# TE shows a real "Turbo Engine" on startup ;) .
# Fixed a bug in fullscreen code which caused TE to crash while exiting from fullscreen.
# Added a "FastVDC" option to the ini file.
# Cheats fixed.
# Added Arcade Card support.
# Option to enable/disable arcade card.
# Dialog box to configure various paths easily. (Under "Misc->Configure Paths")
# Added filtered/unfiltered screenshot support.
# Added PNG and BMP screenshot support.
# Added WAVE file sound logging.
# Added HES Music file loading with nice oscilloscope display :) .
# Added Input movie recording and replaying feature.
# Added rewinding feature (*highly* experimental).
# Added frame advance feature (only useful while emu is paused).
# Added slow mode feature.
# Improved video plugin support. All plugins are supported now (that is, upto 4x scalers).
# Added ability to enable/disable PSG channels, CD Audio and ADPCM.
# Added 7-zip support.
# Added many pre-defined scanline settings.
# Added custom scanline intensity option.
# Added bitmapped text support.
# FPS are now displayed in lower right corner instead of the titlebar.
# Added suport to rip (PCE) CDROMs into CUE/ISO+Wave.After that you can convert audio to whatever format you prefer (OGG or MPC).
# Added 6 button pad support.
# Added Multitap support. Now you can use upto five controllers.
# Quite a lot more stuff but I can't remember all of it now. >_>

Download: Turbo Engine v0.3

DeSmuME 0.9.2 Plus Gocha r2464

EmuCR:DeSmuMEDeSmuME 0.9.2 Plus Gocha r2464 is released.DeSmuME 0.9.2 Plus Gocha is a UNOFFICIAL DeSmuME ReRecording Build.DeSmuME ReRecording is the re-recording branch of DeSmuME 0.9.2.This is the development project for this branch of DeSmuME. Its primary function is to expand features related to the creation of Tool-Asssisted movies.

These binaries are built from the official svn.
Hopefully it has the same sync with desmume-rr-0.9.2 (but I'm not sure).
At least, they can play the OoE TAS WIP in TASvideos forum correctly.

It seems that the new savedata system (or something like that) broke the sync-compatibility.
"0.9.2plus-gocha" version is made from svn updates which doesn't break compatibility (that's just a guess though).
If it has different timings from rr-0.9.2 after all, don't curse me, please.

Download: desmume-0.9.2plus-gocha-r2464
Download: desmume-0.9.2plus-gocha-r2464-debug

Dolphin SVN r3616

EmuCR:DolphinDolphin SVN r3616 is released.Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator.It has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games.

Dolphin SVN changelog:
Edited wiki page through web user interface.
ucode voice cases jump table documentation, decrypted case 0x6
oops. Hex->Dec

Download:Dolphin SVN r3616 x86
Download:Dolphin SVN r3616 x64

PCSX Reloaded SVN r23849

PCSX Reloaded SVN r23849 is released.PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.

Download: PCSX Reloaded SVN r23849

Glitch64 SVN r29

Glitch64 SVN r29 is released.GlideHQ is a realtime texture enhancer library with hi-resolution texture pack support for Glide64.Glitch64 is the recommended Glide3x wrapper for Glide64, the Glide video plugin for N64 emulators. It currently supports S3TC texture compression, anisotropic filtering, widescreen resolutions and simulates almost all the Glide3x hardware capabilities used by the plugin, included texture buffer capability (needed for render to texture). It is coded using the OpenGL API and uses GLSL shaders.

Traditional and non-traditional techniques have been used to achieve speed and high image quality even on a 9 year old 3Dfx Voodoo2. Although the 3Dfx Glide3x texture format naming conventions are used, the library can be expanded for generic use. The library supports 6 enhancers and 6 image filters. FXT1 and S3TC texture compression are supported.

Glitch64 SVN changelog:
Added grKeyPressedExt extension on request of Gonetz.

Download: Glitch64 SVN r29

DeSmuME SVN r2465

EmuCR:DeSmuMEDeSmuME SVN r2465 is released.DeSmuME is a freeware emulator for the Nintendo DS(NDS).

DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
win32: path settings on one page, manual edits saved

Download: DeSmuME SVN r2465