
Dolphin SVN r2960

EmuCR:DolphinDolphin SVN r2960 is released.Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Even at its early stage some games manage to load and run but not perfectly. Please remember that Dolphin is an experimental GameCube emulator so many games might not run and for the ones that do run you will need a strong PC.

Dolphin SVN changelog:
DSP: Move the LLE core to a library. Added DSP assembler from gdtool, start cleaning it up. Create a new program called "DSPTool" which will become a more up to date replacement for gdtool from the devkitpro, automatically incorporating all our findings as we make them. This program depends on the new library. It can *ALMOST* roundtrip (asm->disasm->asm) hermes' DSP mixer at this point. Sorry about the unfinished Sconscript work - I'll fix it soon if nobody else does it first.
DSP assembler: Error message improvements.
DSP asm/disasm: improve the shift instructions so they at least round-trip. not 100% sure it's correct though.
DSP: I seem to have forgotten assemble.h? Killed the globals in assemble.cpp by putting the entire thing in a class, which will make more improvements easier.Same with disasm. More tweaking of the shift ops.
Fixing compile on linux
more scons build fixups

Download:Dolphin SVN r2960


  1. great job man, your daily news it´s make me soo happy


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