

EmuCR: UAE4AllUAE4All is released.UAE4All is the first Amiga emulator for s60 devices.It's really fast and stable. On phones with ARM11 369Mhz it can run games with sound at 25FPS.

UAE4All Features
- OCS chipset emulation
- Support for disk images in ADF format
- Kickstart 1.3, 2.0, 3.1
- 4 disk drives
- moderate RAM usage(17-20MB)
- Sound Emulation
- Good speed and fidelity of emulation
- Support for bluetooth mouse

What to do?
a) Install
b) In the folder c:\data\uae4all\kickstarts or \uae4all\kickstarts you should at least place on kickstart rom file. Kick13.rom, kick20.rom or kick31.rom. (it must be 512kb rom)

Recommendation is that you run this on a 300mhz + s60v3 devices, video wise its not very well optimized, due to the SDL backend, which is more general than fast.

It is also quite memory hungry. For 64 mb devices you should select 0,5 mb chip memory and only one diskdrive. Currently the chip memory setting is not saved so that has to be fixed.

When emulating use '*' to get back to menu, use '#' to change input method between virtual keybaord, joystick, and mouse emulation.
Left softkey is fire button.

To bypass Groups game-intros (...) Green key, 9, green key.. "#" until you see the "mouse" on screen. Left soft key is left mouse button, right softkey is .. Right mouse button.

It have only ADF support. Zip support is already built in. You can load compressed .adz images, which are gzipped .adf's. An .adf file is a 880kB disk image of an Amiga floppy disk. This disk image can be compressed with the gzip utility. Then change the suffix to .adz and the compressed disk image can be opened with UAE.

To "save game"; Press '2','3', '4' when selecting image to insert in the other drives. Save games are stored in an ADS file. So save on.

Also you can use a bluetooth mouse with this emulator. In order to do so, you need to install the bt mouse support package from http://koti.mbnet.fi/hinkka/Download.html, also it has a dependency on P.I.PS 1.2.0 to work properly. P.I.P.S. 1.3.0 will not work.
You can download the 1.2 PIPS from http://developer.symbian.com/wiki/display/pub/P.I.P.S.

I did some comparisons with the original gp2x version and how well my version is running. My 6120 is running at 369 mhz.. The gp2x at 250 mhz.. In some places the gp2x is faster, sometimes the 6120 is 50% faster.. Like it should with 100 mhz more. It depends on the actual game and situation.

I got sound running.. That steals 2-4 fps right now. (on a 6120 classic.. I.e all 369 mhz arm11 based devices).. On slower devices it might be more. N95 is a different puppy all together..

Of course not everything is not really tested at all, so there are lots of stuff to update, but its a start.

Download: UAE4All


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