
gpSP4Symbian S60v3 preview

gpSP4Symbian S60v3 preview is released.gpSP4Symbian is a Gameboy Advance emulator (GBA) for Symbian S60 3rd edition.This emulator is based on gpSP. It also uses SDL port by Anotherguest.

There is no keyconfig yet available, so you’ll have to bear with these for a while. up/down/left/righ form the d-pad
4: L
5: A
6: start
7: R
8: B
9: select
#: save state
* :load state
left softkey: menu

gpSP4Symbian Installation
Install the emulator from the sis file, and then place the following files under E:\GBA folder
* game_config.txt
You should find this file with the installation package
* gba_bios.bin
You should find this on your own. Make sure to get an authentic one, it’ll be exactly 16384 bytes large and should have the following md5sum value: a860e8c0b6d573d191e4ec7db1b1e4f6
* put also ROM’s under E:\GBA folder
Also Nokia’s OpenC plugin is required. So if you don’t have it, then you should install it asap.
And now you’re done. Have fun! ;-)

Download: gpSP4Symbian S60v3 preview


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