
MESS v0.134 SVN r6081

EmuCR: MESSMESS v0.134 SVN r6081 is released.MESS is a free emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems.

MESS SVN Changelog:
[SMS] Moved global variables from machine/sms.c into a struct.
[SMS] Added Light Phaser support [Enik Land]
[SMS] Converted SMS VDP to be a device
[CDI] Significant optimization:
- Removed redudant call to mcd212_process_regions
- Refactored mcd212_process_regions to fill scanline-wide buffers for region flags and pixel weights, eliminating costly recalculation for every pixel
- Refactored color calculations to use separated R/G/B buffers to avoid constant bit-shifting / boolean arithmetic
- Un-inlined certain functions to possibly improve cache performance with better code locality
- Unrolled plane enable/disable logic to avoid frequent array lookups
Performance has increased on a 1.86GHz Core 2 Duo from 28% in a profile build to 75% profile build, flat 100% on a non-profile build
- Weighting planes when the Disable Mixing bit is set; DM disables mixing, not weighting. This makes many games look considerably better.
- Fixed MSF sector index increment and correction, fixes videos randomly flipping out

Download: MESS v0.134 SVN r6081


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