
ODAMEX v0.4.4

EmuCR:ODAMEX ODAMEX v0.4.4 is released. ODAMEX is a modified Doom source port. Supported platforms are Windows, Mac, Linux and FreeBSD. It has been designed to allow client/server-based Doom gameplay over the Internet and LAN. It currently supports the traditional old-school style of Deathmatch and a Cooperative mode, but it also includes other game modes such as Teamplay and Capture the Flag. It also supports an array of editing features, including the BOOM map format, DeHackEd and BEX patch support and support for several additional music formats, such as MOD and OGG.

ODAMEX v0.4.4 Changelog:
General Odamex Changes:
* General bug fixes and code optimizations.
* Further improved client/server sector desyncs.
* Improved dehacked/bex support.
* Fixed memory corruption issue that affected Plutonia 2 pwad.

Odamex Client Changes:
* Spynext works in cooperative once again.
* Resolved "No Player # Start" disconnect from servers.
* Fixed bug that allowed player to obtain the SSG in Ultimate Doom.
* Odamex will now run with -nomusic in Linux unless a timidity.cfg is found. This prevent a crash caused by SDL_mixer.

Odamex Server Changes:
* Resolved memory leak issues.
* Fixed server crash when using "clearmaplist" on win32 machines
* A new cvar, sv_unblockplayers, allows server administrators to make it so that players may pass through eachother. Useful to prevent forward progression by problematic players in cooperative.
* Random item spawns in CTF appear to be corrected with revision 1284.
* Cheats should work correctly for clients now when they are enabled server side.

Odamex Launcher Changes:
* General code optimizations
* Increased Mac OSX support

Download: ODAMEX v0.4.4


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