
MacFCEU v0.6

MacFCEU v0.6 is released. MacFCEU is a Mac OS X port of FCE Ultra. A Mac OS-specific port of FCE Ultra 0.98.13 - an NES/Famicon emulator. Classic and Carbon are supported exclusively.

MacFCEU v0.6 Changelog:
MacFCEU 0.5.5:
PPU: excess line is done at end instead of beginning (affects only debugging).
Fixing major lexical errors I´ve made all over the place (i.e., `x&2==0`)...
Cleaning up... correct file name capitalization (boards, mappers).
New ´NewCHRRAM´ method (put in cart.c).
Added iNES mappers 60(ResetBased4in1), 55(MALEE), 149(SA0036), 254(Pikachu Y2K).

MMC, mapper revisions/file separations include:
MMC1 SxROM (Event)
MMC3 TxxROM (Waixing, Nitra); appropriately renamed mmc3and6
MMC5 ExROM --0.5.4 had bad state file strings
Older builds require data that newer implementations no longer provide:
UxROM mapper 2
CNROM mapper 3
AxROM mapper 7
AGCI mappers 11, 144
BxROM mapper 34
Jaleco mapper 78
Taito 74*139/74 mapper 87
Sunsoft mapper 93
UN1ROM mapper 94
GNROM/MHROM mappers 66, 140, 240
H2288 mapper 123 (didn´t even call AddExState!)
King Of Fighters mapper 187 (didn´t work before anyway...)
Gouder 37017 mapper 208
Any number of things may have been broken as of result of rewriting.

Cleared up a state file issue where some strs of more than 4 bytes were passed.
** some state files w/ these bad strs may be incompatible as result **
** I can´t be 100% certain of two DMC sound regs HaveDMA/HaveSample **

Expanded the NSF ROM code: reason to write an assembler... saves/restores regs.
Finally, actually fixed NSF wave view! Arrggh!

Mac OS: Palette dialog fix for tileview (64 color cap), ref. to UPALRAM.
Video fix: slvn/slvp values weren´t being passed to FCEU!
Using internal video actually proved to be *slower*; removed the code.
Debugger: Another major bug fix in the command line (realloc last instead of 0).
Fixed stepover while JSR has breakpoint.
Command line: Cmd-left/Cmd-right now works as home/end.
Interpreter: getting ASCII sqrt to work...

MacFCEU 0.5.4:
PPU: initial delay of 20 instead of 12; fixes(?) Marble Madness, Pirates
slpf (scanlines-per-frame) has been replaced with slvn/slvp
CPU: ATX is now LAX; also commented out decimal mode code
Fixed PAL timing bug (was -=1 instead of -=cycles)
[Another old bug fix completed 100% "Ok" for nestest.nes]
Sound: corrected PAL DMC table, the lengths table, the noise *tables*.
MMC5 implementation: AB Sprite/Bg, write to $5130
VRCII, VRCIV and VRCVI mappers rewritten (all in one file).

[Fixed and separated the disassembler from ´debug.c´.]
Fixed NSF wave view (again).
Fixed a big cart.c bug I introduced some time ago; it wrote out of bounds...

Removed unsupported files [in] the zlib library.
Removed unused scaler routines. [I´d] write my own if I wanted to.
´driver´ directory is now considered outmoded here; ´common´ is now in ´src/´.
Removed the default compressed FDS BIOS contents for legal reasons.
Removed/moved/changed some core functions, merged files, added comments...
** Frame Skipping´s no longer supported, wasn´t used. **

Updated/fixed bugs for HTML docs; iCab now smiles.

Palette: "unv colors" were adjusted for Mac OS.
NSF view, using blank, uses the void color selected in tile view window.
Fixed cyan emphasis (zero misplaced rendered 0.101 v. 1.001).

Mac OS: Getting sound to play more contiguously...
Mute/Background in one submenu.
Conformed to UNIX paths in source.
Fully optimized M68K 2x2 screen multiplier (fastest).
Debugger: More vars, fixes, commandline click by mouse (MacsBug doesn´t do this).
Storage of executed lines and scroll (MacsBug Does do this).
Removed rate-fix ´B´ menu cmd-char for "scroll next" to work.
Fixed breakpoint clear bug (didn´t update pointer on deallocation).
Tile View: made view colors a little smaller for the PALRAM active colors.
Also, the ability to set a "void" color (subtitute bgcolor when off).

Download: MacFCEU v0.6


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