
XBoyAdvance v24

EmuCR:XBoyAdvance XBoyAdvance v24 is released. XBoyAdvance is an Gameboy Advance/Gameboy Color/Super Gameboy emulator ported for XBox from VisualBoy Advance.

XBoyAdvance v24 Changelog:
* Whoops didn't quite have "auto configuration" working right. Fixed now. ;) :P
* Keep user within ROM directory tree works now. Honest!

Download: XBoyAdvance v24


  1. Ok, i've been googling for two days now and can not find anything similar to my problem. I just updated from v20 to v24 last night, and for some reason, while playing games, the emulator will randomly save/load states and will also randomly change the software filter as i'm playing. I tried downgrading back to v20, because I did not have this problem with it, but after I did this, I can no longer play the roms that i opened v24 with. So now, i'm back to v24, and trying to fix this random save state/load state/filter change problem....oh ya, it did actually crash once when changing to a filter the game didnt like. Please help!

  2. nevermind, i was finally able to fix my v20 version, so i'll hold out on v24 for now, Thanks.


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