
Common Source Code Project (04/08/2010)

Common Source Code Project (04/08/2010) is released. This is the common source code archive of my works:

* Emu5 - SORD m5 emulator
* EmuGaki - CASIO PV-2000 emulator
* EmuLTI8 - MITSUBISHI Elec. MULTI8 emulator
* EmuPIA7 - TOSHIBA PASOPIA7 emulator
* EmuZ-700 - SHARP MZ-700 emulator
* EmuZ-2500 - SHARP MZ-2500 emulator
* EmuZ-2800 - SHARP MZ-2800 emulator
* EmuZ-3500 - SHARP MZ-3500 emulator
* EmuZ-5500 - SHARP MZ-5500 emulator
* EmuZ-6500 - SHARP MZ-6500 emulator
* eBabbage-2nd - Gijutsu-Hyoron-Sha Babbage-2nd
* eFMR-30 - FUJITSU FMR-30 emulator
* eFMR-50 - FUJITSU FMR-50 emulator
* eFMR-60 - FUJITSU FMR-60 emulator
* eHANDY98 - NEC PC-98HA emulator
* eHC-40 - EPSON HC-40/PX-4 emulator
* eHC-80 - EPSON HC-80/PX-8/Geneva emulator
* eMYCOMZ-80A - Japan Electronics College MYCOMZ-80A emulator
* eN5200 - NEC N5200 emulator
* ePC-8201 - NEC PC-8201/PC-8201A emulator
* ePC-98LT - NEC PC-98LT emulator
* ePC-100 - NEC PC-100 emulator
* ePV-1000 - CASIO PV-1000 emulator
* ePyuTa - TOMY PyuTa and PyuTa Jr. emulator
* eQC-10 - EPSON QC-10/QX-10 emulator
* eRX-78 - BANDAI RX-78 emulator
* eSCV - EPOCH Super Cassette Vision emulator
* eTK-80BS - NEC TK-80BS (COMPO BS/80) emulator
* eX-07 - CANON X-07 emulator
* eX1twin - SHARP X1twin emulator

This archive is under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

[VM/MC6847] support MC6847
[VM/UPD7801] add wait signal
[VM/Z80] support raise irq by write_signal()

[EMU/WIN32] update screen stretch/rotation
[EMU/WIN32] support window x3 - x8 modes
[EMU/WIN32] support fullscreen mode with any resolutions
[EMU/WIN32] fix video recorder
[EMU/WIN32] hide menu bar in full screen mode
[EMU/WIN32] save opened file dir for common dialog's initial dir
[VM/UPD765A] fix result status for recalib/seek commands

[EMU/WIN32] remove Windows CE support
[EMU/WIN32] remove Direct 3D support
[EMU/WIN32] remove waveOut api support
[EMU/WIN32] remove video capture support
[VM/DISK] support media type property
[VM/DISK] check if the current disk image is reopened
[VM/UPD7220] update csform/csrw commands
[VM/UPD7220] support unknown $5a command
[VM/UPD765A] support force ready signal for NEC PC-98 series
[VM/UPD765A] fix result status for recalib/seek commands
[VM/UPD764A] update hdu for sence device status command
[VM/UPD765A] raise interrupt when disk is inserted or ejected

Download: Source Code Archive
Download: Binary Archive


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