
Snes9X Euphoria R4

EmuCR:Snes9X EuphoriaSnes9X Euphoria R4 is released. Snes9X Euphoria is the first version of SNES emulator for Sony PSP. It's based on source code of Snes9xTyl. The main purpose of the emu's author is to improve the speed of emulation. Also he plans to update emulators core up to the latest version of SNES9x (1.51). All versions of Snes9xTyl are based on SNES9x 1.42 core.

Snes9X Euphoria R4 Changelog:
- Rendering Rehash - Speed Up.
- Function clean up - Small speed up.
- Fixed Memory stick read error.
- Various fixes.

Download: Snes9X Euphoria R4


  1. Honestly as far as I can tell through my testing, every version of Euphoria beyond R2 have been shit, because of one small issue; rom crashes when making adjustments to emulator settings mid-game. If not for this it could have been awesome.

    Are R3/R4 any faster than "older" editions? Couldn't tell you, this one issue keeps me from finding out. Just thought I would let you guys know since no one else seems to be addressing the issue.


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