
WiiXplorer SVN r199

EmuCR:WiiXplorer WiiXplorer SVN r199 is released. WiiXplorer is a multi-device file explorer for the Wii with a GUI made with libwiigui (by Tantric) and with graphics by NeoRame.

WiiXplorer SVN changelog:
*Updated NTFS3G to Version 2010.8.8
*Fixed a bug in NTFS write. Reading of boundary sectors before write was
calculated wrong. Now libntfs should be finally fully fixed in read/write.
*Reworked application listing functions for StartMenu. The apps list is now
always refreshed when clicking on StartMenu->Applications.
*Fixed alignment of StartMenu on 4:3 TVs
*Changed URLs saving. Now you are asked if you want to download or start a link
in Internet Channel when you click on the link and not when adding the link to
the list.
*Changed prompts when network is not available and you try to update the app
*Added forgotten automatic folder creation on link download
*Added forgotten cancel button to network init prompt
*Updated language files

Download: WiiXplorer SVN r199


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