
ClientServerMAME v0.7b

EmuCR:ClientServerMAME ClientServerMAME v0.7b is released. ClientServerMAME is a fork of MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) that allows players to play via the internet.

ClientServerMAME v0.7b Changelog:
-Initial game state is now compressed. Keep in mind that the initial game state can still be several megs depending on the rom.
-There is now a message telling users that the initial game state download is in progress and to be patient.
-BUG FIX: The server will now continue to send delta game states while the initial game state is downloading. This prevents desyncs that were occurring when the server would fail to send game state updates while the client was downloading the initial state.
-There is now a UI message letting users know that the first few minutes of gameplay will be lagged while the client digests all of the server deltas that have been building up while the client downloaded the initial game state. In practice this has resolved itself in under 30 seconds, but it could take a few minutes for some of the larger roms.

Download: ClientServerMAME v0.7b


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