
Oricutron v0.7

EmuCR:Oricutron Oricutron v0.7 is released. Oricutron is an emulator for the Oric series of computers. It is written in plain C, and uses SDL. It is designed to be portable.

Oricutron v0.7 Changelog:
* Added Telestrat support, although it doesn't work enough to be useful yet.
* Added Pravetz-8D support, although the Pravetz/Apple disk system is not supported yet.
* Added some error checking to the command-line argument parsing.
* Standard return codes on exit.
* IJK and PASE/Altai joystick emulation (thanks to Twilighte and Stefan Haubenthal for info)
* For all ROM image files, Oricutron now looks for a corresponding ".pch" file with information about the ROM, such as patch addresses for turbotape, or the keyboard layout expected by the ROM.
* ROM filenames are now specified in the config file.
* Now uses SDL_RWops to load images and ROMs for better cross-platform compatibility (thanks to revolf).
* The disk emulation now updates sector CRCs when writing to disk (oops!)
* OpenGL rendering mode with optional display aspect stretching.
* Optional scanline simulation.
* You can toggle fullscreen mode from the menus.
* Software rendering mode now has a 32bit mode as well as 16bit. Oricutron attempts to select the optimal mode, but it can be overridden in the config file (thanks to Alexandre Devert)

* For all ROM image files, Oricutron now looks for a corresponding ".sym" file with symbols for the debugger when that ROM is active.
* Disassembling to file now uses full symbol names.
* Supports CC65/VICE style label files (thanks to Stefan Haubenthal).
* You can now create or move symbols while using the assembler.
* You can create, delete and export symbols from the monitor commandline.
* Added a memory modify command.
* Fixed breakpoint behaviour. Before, when the CPU hit a breakpoint, the rest of the emulation would execute for the cycles of that command, even though the command wasn't executed.

* Pressing help brings up the AmigaGuide readme. (thanks to Stefan Haubenthal)

* You can paste from the clipboard with F9. (thanks to revolf)
* Native messagebox and file requester. (thanks to revolf)

* Native messagebox and file requester. (thanks to revolf)

Download: Oricutron v0.7


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