
Xbox360 Iso Extract v0.6

EmuCR:Xbox360 Iso ExtractXbox360 Iso Extract v0.6 is released. Xbox360 Iso Extract is another exiso based extractor which can extract multiple isos. This program allowes you to extract multiple xbox360 isos based on exiso.

Xbox360 Iso Extract Features:
+ you can scan recursively through a directory and pick every iso (every iso must be in a seperate dir)
+ each iso will be extracted to the target_dirwhere_the_iso_is_located_in
+ skips extracting if target_dir already has the directory
+ "remove iso afterwards" functionality (be careful! maybe some bugs)
+ statusbar and log window
+ automatically deletes the $SystemUpdate directory (since it's not needed)

Xbox360 Iso Extract v0.6 Changelog:
* $SystemUpdate directory is now skipped instead of deleted afterwards
* log window is now updated regularly
+ new progressbar to indicate the progress of the current file
+ new button to invert the extraction checkboxes

Download: Xbox360 Iso Extract v0.6


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