
JzintvWii v1.0.1

EmuCR: JzintvWiiJzintvWii v1.0.1 is released. JzintvWii is the Wii port of Joe Zbiciak's 'jzintv' Intellivision emulator.

- Copy the application folder in the "apps" directory of the SD card
- Create directory "/jzintvWii/roms" on the SD card
- Put all your roms (.int, .bin, .itv or .rom) in that directory including bios roms (exec.bin, grom.bin and ecs.bin)
- Boot the emulator from the Homebrew Channel
- Follow instructions, or press the "A" button to play a rom

JzintvWii v1.0.1 Changelog:
Recompiled with latest devkitpro and sdl, now usb-keyboard is enabled again. Thanx to GPer.
Modified wiibrew link, now the right link is reported.
Fixed wrong sort of romslist, now sort is purely alphabetical without considering roms date.
Sources integrated with J.Z.

Download: JzintvWii v1.0.1
Source: Here


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