
nullDC SVN r95

EmuCR: nullDCnullDC SVN r95 is released. nullDC is an open source Sega Dreamcast(DC) and NAOMI videogame systems emulator for Microsoft Windows. nullDC runs several Dreamcast games at good speed, with full sound and music. NullDC requires the latest version of Microsoft DirectX, the latest Visual C++ runtime libraries and optionally WinPcap for modem emulation. As usual for emulators, a dump of the original console BIOS is also needed. It has a plugin architecture, with several alternative implementations (some ported from Chankast) for graphics, sound, reading games burned to CD-ROMs (it cannot read GD-ROMs directly) or disk image files, memory cards, etc.

nullDC SVN Changelog:
Revision summary:
-Changes in logging system with the ability to rollback
to the original console-logging.
-logWrite macro changed to log(format,va_args) and logEx(field,format,va_args)
-*.hpp <- *.h , \\ <- /
-Removed warnings
-Type conversion fixes.
There's still a lot of work to be done here..Especially in template handling
which could affect generated code(if not already.. which is what i believe).

Revision notes (programmers):
To rollback to original logging method that you're used to , open log/logging.h
and replace "#undef DEFAULT_LOGGING" with "#define DEFAULT_LOGGING".

Revision notes (end users):
For maximum performance it is recommended to leave logging disabled.
If you encounter a bug , enable it to provide the call trace.
--chd compressed gdrom image support
--minnor cleanups
woops, forgot to commit these renamed files !

Download: nullDC SVN r95
Source: Here


  1. genios genios genios tengo como 80 juegos y funcionan 78 al 99% en windows 7 x64
    es el mejor emulador :)

  2. jajaja ese comentario super en castilliano y se me hace que es de argentina :D

  3. Si,Gran emulador pero a ver si arreglan los fallos en los arboles y texturas en shenmue 2.Gracias.

  4. Nice!! but purupuru is not top for a wheel pc !(bug)

  5. Muito bom, todos os jogos que testei estão funcionando. Valeu. ^^"


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