
WiiXplorer SVN r205

EmuCR:WiiXplorer WiiXplorer SVN r205 is released. WiiXplorer is a multi-device file explorer for the Wii with a GUI made with libwiigui (by Tantric) and with graphics by NeoRame.

WiiXplorer SVN changelog:
*Updated libpng to 1.4.4
*Updated libntfs to new NTFS3G 2010.10.02
*Added possibility to boot BootMii (in StartMenu)
*Added possibility to boot movies with WiiMC (WiiMC is not parsing arguements
yet. Rodries said he is going to add it eventually. WiiXplorer is ready for that
*Removed "allowing of only available IOSes for BootIOS" feature. It backfired
and some people couldn't change the IOS at all because of no NAND permission on
the current running IOS.
*Updated language files

Forwarder Channel v9:
- Fixed garbage on screen / green screen right before application boot

Download: WiiXplorer SVN r205


  1. JIHAAAA very good tguys thank you for more fixes:)


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