
Altirra 1.9 Test 5

EmuCR:AltirraAltirra 1.9 Test 5 is released. Altirra is an Atari 8 bit Emulator on the Windows/DOS platform.Altirra emulates several models of the 8-bit Atari computers. This includes the the 800, 800XL, and 130XE versions. It has a lot of options, and compatibility is decent especially given the emulator's early stages. It also supports some copy protected games properly in emulation.

test 4/5

test 3
Bounty Bob and Nuclear Nick fixed (Breaker: cartridge game "Bounty Bob Strikes Back!. rom" — refuses to run.)

test 2
BASIC option should be working again for 800 mode, but you need the hardware mode set to 800 *AND* the OS set to OS-B.
It wasn't actually the EXE break option that was the issue, but an extra event I had added to the simulator. Should be fixed now (Issue by MacLane: exe files are no longer listed unless you do show all supported every time).
Debbuger hidden dialog (Issue by Breaker) - I added the crash dialog as something a bit more friendly than just dumping people into the debugger. It doesn't come up if you are already in the debugger, and otherwise pressing Pause will drop it. Esc/Close also works since I bound Pause to the cancel option. Some of the options are grayed not because they aren't implemented, but because they don't apply -- for example, you don't get the option to disable BASIC if it is already disabled.
I fixed the mapping problem on the MaxFlash carts.

test 1
Debugger:Multiple memory access breakpoints can now be placed.
Debugger:Added option to break on run address of loaded executable.
Debugger:Conditional breakpoints (bx) are now supported.
Debugger:Commands can now be run when a breakpoint fires.
Debugger:Added ? (evaluate) and .printf commands.
Debugger:Trace and assert statements can now be embedded in assembler listings.
Debugger:Added vta, vtc, vtl, and vtr commands to control verifier OS entry point checking. SoundBoard: Initial support.
UI:Added emulator crash dialog. bugs fixed
UI:Pane dragging is less twitchy and no longer undocks a pane as soon as you click on the caption. HLE: Fixed crash when NMI handler is invoked with no NMIs pending.
HLE:Added support for XL OS PENTV vector.
Simulator:Default kernel mode now prefers ROM images properly again. Cheats:Enable checkbox on cheats was broken.
CPU:Fixed CMOS BIT #imm ($89) instruction.
CPU:Fixed 65C02 $FC instruction.
ANTIC:DMACTL bits 6 and 7 are no longer reflected in .dlhistory output. Debugger:Optimized History pane.
Debugger: Avoid re-requesting the same source file when it is not found on disk.
Debugger:Improved reliability of source-level stepping.
Debugger:Added XL OS entry points to default entry points allowed by verifier.

Download: Altirra 1.9 Test 5
Source: Here


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