
Jspeccy v0.88.3

Jspeccy v0.88.3 is released. Jspeccy is a new version of the ZX Spectrum emulator in Java.

Jspeccy v0.88.3 Changelog:
- Shift is shared between the PC/Mac and the Spectrum. Now, Shift is Caps Shift for the Spectrum.
- Control keys are the joystick fire button again.
- ESC is the Break key (Caps + Space)

Two small problems has been corrected. Now, a IF2 ROM with a size < 16KB can be loaded. So, the Spectrum Test ROM can load. And a few TZX with very sensible loading routines, as MASK & Basil, the Great Mouse Detective, can be loaded.

Download: Jspeccy v0.88.3
Source: Here


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