
PS3 Game Updater v1.41

PS3 Game Updater v1.41 is released. PS3 Game Updater is a windows application where you can identify & grab the updates for your PS3 game backups. The application fetch the list of game titles in your specified backups directories with an option of finding the latest update to the those games.

EmuCR: PS3 Game Updater

PS3 Game Updater v1.41 Changelog:
+ Added “Collapse/Expand” button to expand all updates.
+ Downloading an update will also show progress in the game column itself, so no need to expand it
+ Added new file format for saving updates: “GAMEID – GAMENAME – VERSION.pkg”
+ Fixed the bug of update links not exported correctly
+ Stability fixes

Download: PS3 Game Updater v1.41
Source: Here


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