
Ville's Development Log - Magical Truck Adventure (2011/02/28)

Magical Truck Adventure

This was one of the Model 3 games that I really wanted to see running in Supermodel or MAME. Seeing that it was dumped a while ago, I decided to have a look. While it does rely on some tilemap interrupts and stuff that isn't properly emulated yet, I managed to get it to run the attract mode.

There are also major issues with the 3D graphics, and I had to disable lighting to get even parts of the background objects visible. Also, as further bad news, the game seems to employ the tilemap encryption/compression used in Virtual-On 2 and Dirt Devils.

P.S. Looks like they loaned T-Rex from The Lost World... :D

EmuCR: Ville's Development Log - Magical Truck Adventure
EmuCR: Ville's Development Log - Magical Truck Adventure

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