
bsnes v077

EmuCR:bsnes Emulatorsbsnes v077 is released. bsnes is an emulator for the Super Famicom and SNES video game systems.The purpose of the emulator is a bit different from other emulators: it focuses on accuracy, debugging functionality, and clean code.

bsnes v077 Changelog:
- video filters and shaders now populate inside main menu; no longer have to select them as files
- fixed 2xSaI, Super 2xSaI and Super Eagle on 32-bit platforms; still buggy on 64-bit Windows
- fixed linear mirroring issues (fixes Mega Man X dash bug)
- fixed RAM memory mapping bug in Sufami Turbo games
- home folder is now %APPDATA%/bsnes or ~/.config/bsnes
- added paths.cfg file, which will allow you to specify custom paths for any file types
- save states and cheat files for multi-slot games are based on slot names instead of BIOS names
- fixed compilation warning on OS X with nall::decimal
- fixed calculation bug in nall::fp
- Makefile now has options variable, example: make options=debugger
- configuration files and cheat database can now reside in the same folder as the binary itself
- updated to 2011-03-11 release of mightymo's cheat database

Download: bsnes v077 x86
Download: bsnes v077 x64
Source: Here


  1. slow and bad emulator

    please dont bitch that it is most accurate bla bla , if you run a emu main purpose is to enjoy games , not useless stuff

    I bet none of you would notice any difference between a game running in snes9x and this

  2. I notice a huge difference between SNES9x and the real hardware. BSNES is the only SNES emulator I know that comes very close to matching the timing of a real console.

    Playing games in ZSNES/SNES9x is like playing a port to a different platform, the feel just isn't right, for example the timings on Samus' wall jump are all over the place in most emulators. I wish all emu authors focused more on accuracy and timing.

  3. Read this http://byuu.org/bsnes/accuracy and then again tell me it is bad.

  4. it is bad because I cannot play yoshi"s island full speed on it , period

    I cant say anything for tech freaks who prefer their games slow and accurate but we are just fine with snes9x , no thanks

  5. BSNES is the best snes emulator, thats a fact.
    I will not explain why to someone who doesnt understand or even bothers to read.

  6. yeah yeah if I read it will magically be fast !

    something that can not even play good speed is a bad emulator. everybody knows that

    that emu even cannot get to play acceptable speed

  7. I think you're kind of missing the point.. Plus, if you're happy with SNES9x and Zsnes, why waste your time bitching about this? There's no reason to compete with them this late in the game. The fact of the matter is, at the time Zsnes and SNES9x were coded, computers were not powerful enough to run games full speed without optimizations and hacks. Now that we can, why not?

  8. ZSNES runs good even on a 450MHz Pentium 2 (when i say runs good i mean runs most of the games @ 50~60FPS).

    bsnes only runs average on a C2D e4400 (Something between 35~43 FPS).

    bsnes is the most accurate indeed but i want to enjoy games at console-like speed and not to emulate an unknown game with all sprites on screen,i dont want to decompress all my snes fullset to be able to play on bsnes and i want to play online with my friends.

    Im still with zsnes ATM!

  9. Please at least use snes9x or snesgt instead of zsnes. They're both fast and much more accurate than the decrepit zsnes. It had its place once, now there are much better options.

  10. im using zsnes only to play online(zbattle.net) for offline gaming im using Snes9x fix 4! ;)

  11. Thank you for new update!

  12. thanks nichole for letting us all in the emulation community know
    your efforts are greatly appreciated

    dr emulator (mad max)

  13. I appreciate what byuu is trying to do with this emulator. Unfortunately all the accuracy in the world simply doesn't mean shit if your emulator skips and stutters every 2 seconds because of major sync problems. And no it's not my pc that's the problem - it won't even run properly on my i7 2600k.

    Any everyone still using zsnes please let it go and use snes9x or snesGT for the love of god.

  14. He takes the time to bitch about this because he is a no life tard living in his parents basement and not earning by himself enough money to purchase a two years old computer to run bsnes at full speed.

  15. #14 no I dont live with my parents in basement , I have to work to make a living and earn money , unlike most of you.

    Even I had lots of money wouldnt give a shit about buying a new computer to just run a shitty snes emulator.

    I can run snes9x fine on my 7 year old laptop , who does need bsnes lol

  16. the guy is obviously trolling. Bsnes won't run fullspeed on an i7? Bullshit. Show proof first.

  17. #16 you are real troll defending every emulator released on the planet

  18. What that?
    what are you critize bsnes?
    if you look for zsnes or snes9x,you can't find here
    sorry but you are sucking all!!!
    respect him!!!

  19. you suck #18 can you back,It is you who has to respect our,
    snes9x is the best emulator,but there is no longer updates, Zsnes is a B***, one day,they no longer start in the next windows (win 9 or v 2015 for exemple LOL)... but bsnes is the futur,
    and m.anonymous n°18,you could sleep =D

  20. I wrote that post about the i7 2600k, I didn't say it doesn't run fullspeed (It does). What it doesn't do is sync up properly (vsync/triple buffer etc) like every other emulator does perfectly. As a result the screen jumps all over the place when it scrolls and the audio starts crackling every 2 seconds.

    Basically the end result is the most inaccurate snes emulator there is - even zsnes can scroll a fucking screen smoothly without hiccuping and shitting its pants everywhere.

  21. Oh and i've used that d3d overrider app aswell and it doesn't fix the problem

  22. All the games I've tried run full speed on my i5, including SuperFX games. I'm not sure why your i7 struggles, it could be some sort of bug in the emulator that only shows up on i7s.

  23. If you have an i7 and you can't run bsnes properly, you're an absolute retard and don't deserve to have a high end cpu. Here's a hint: use the options menu.

  24. I7 owner here, Nope. emulator runs fullspeed, but no vsync. Byuu says it's a known issue with windows.


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