
jDosbox v0.74.16

jDosbox v0.74.16 is released. jDosbox is a port of Dosbox in Java, allowing multiple systems to emulate the DOS and PC x86 90s.

jDosbox v0.74.16 Changelog:
* Mouse capture now works, use dbl right click to exit
* Windows 3.11 now works
* Source will now compile with Java 1.4
* CD audio now works, include mp3 support for bin/cue
* About a 10% performance improvement over build 15

Download: jDosbox v0.74.16
Source: Here


  1. Swett dosbox build
    Useful and great for pc
    Clean and easy to use for starter
    Keys work well on usb gamepad
    Stunning job , thx


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