
SharpBoy v0.1

EmuCR: SharpBoySharpBoy v0.1 is released. SharpBoy is a new Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for windows by xdaniel written in C# using SlimDX.

Default controls:
B: A
A: S
Start: Return
Select: Space
D-Pad: Cursor keys

Notes and bugs:
Emulation is still incomplete and has bugs, especially with GBC games
No sound, serial link, SGB, etc. for now
No documentation yet either; controls cannot be changed from within the program (edit config.xml manually after first run)
GUI has some quirks (ex. window resizing), FPS limit and counter aren´t accurate
Debugger slows down emulation speed considerably, needs some serious optimization
Probably more...
...and despite this, there´s a bunch of playable games:

EmuCR: SharpBoy

Download: SharpBoy v0.1
Source: Here


  1. why post sth like this. there are lots of great nes emulators already. pointless imo

  2. Well as a c# developer I find it interesting. Would like to have a look at the code when its out there.


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