
Emu Loader v6.1.3

EmuLoaderEmu Loader v6.1.3 is released. Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.

Emu Loader v6.1.3 Changelog:
Custom settings were not being saved ("SEGA Model 2", custom game settings)

Fancy new splash screen with transparency and alpha blend effect!!! Also, new about screen
Custom settings (game and driver) are loaded automatically now, if the custom settings file is found
This is how MAME works, and that's how it will work for all other supported systems (except Daphne and Demul that do not support custom game/driver settings)
Custom game/driver settings files moved from "frontendarcade" path to a new folder: "frontendemulator_ini".
For easier access and to separate them from games list files. Old folders and files will be automatically move to the new folder (ZiNc and SEGA Model 2)
Supported systems: ZiNc, SEGA Model 2, Supermodel: SEGA Model 3
Removed all instances of VirtualTreeView component from the frontend, except from the "left panel" feature that requires a TreeView component. Improvements made:
- standard and grouped view modes converted to use EasyListView component. all views use the same component now
- no need to reload the games list when switching view modes, except for grouped view that requires special handling
- slow games scrolling with mouse wheel fixed
- better integration with other features that need to extract game details info from the main games list

Removed hourglass cursor from a few functions
Support for "Windows Clear Type Fonts" improved. I think all screens can show clear type fonts now
Changed all "CompareText()" function calls to "AnsiCompareText()" (multi-byte and accented characters support!) :)
Major source code cleanup

Scan games list cannot be stopped anymore, to avoid crashes and weird errors
Custom command line feature is "gone with the wind...". Blame those damn leechers that keep using my frontend for profit!
...plus, I've never ever used this feature anyway. Also, to prevent people from using unsupported emulators with the frontend
Folder "resourcesimagestopbars" and all its .png files are gone as they are not needed anymore
Columns profile per system is gone (standard/grouped view modes). All systems share the same sort parameters
Columns settings file renamed to "frontendini_filescolumns_profile.ini"

Support for Supermodel: A SEGA Model 3 Emulator
- you need a working MAME games list to use this new emulator (games and ROMs list extracted from MAME)
- emulator settings and custom game settings will be stored in "frontend_diremulator_inisupermodel_ini" folder
- emulator default setting stored in "supermodel.ini" file (frontend custom folder)
- custom game options stored in "gamename.ini" files (frontend custom folder)
- there is no support for custom driver options since Supermodel only has SEGA Model 3 games
- merged games are not supported and no split-merged sets either
- ROMs paths info is stored in "EmuLoader.ini" file, for now. Multiple paths are supported
- options "vertex shader" and "fragment shader" are available. use them at your own risk!
New feature: "Save State Manager". View/delete/rename save states files of your MAME and Supermodel: SEGA Model 3 games (main menu "Games List")
Feature "Show Not Available Image" is back. If setting enabled, will display a "Not Available" image instead of an empty panel... when the image category for the selected game is not found (snapshot, cabinet, flyer, etc)
All images must be in .png format and they are placed in the new "frontend_dirresourcesimagesno_image" folder.
See "docsel-notavailableimage.txt" for more details

Download: EmuLoader v6.1.3
Source: Here


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