
MameUI v0.142

EmuCR:MameUIMameUI v0.142 is released. MameUI [formerly Mame32] is the GUI version of the M.ultiple A.rcade M.achine E.mulator, a program which seeks to document the internal hardware and code of all arcade games. Originally authored in 1997 by Chris Kirmse, it was the first port of Mame™ to the Windows platform.


2011.04.04 Warning: MameUI .142 is being released but it is still taking 1.2GB in memory when loaded, this is compared to 215MB of .141.
The x86 version may crash out if used w/out sufficient resources. The DEVs continue to investigate.

Download: MameUI v0.142 x86
Download: MameUI v0.142 x64
Source: Here


  1. The 1.2GB issue looks to me like its related to decompression and/or a memory leak during initialization. Hopefully they can compare the old source codes to the new source codes to figure out whats causing that to happen.


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