
NP2 for PSP v0.38

EmuCR: NP2NP2 for PSP v0.38 is released. NP2 is an improved version of PC-98 emulator for PSP.

NP2 for PSP v0.38 Changelog:
- Sleep mode support
- Fixed soft keyboard input is too early (Ver0.37 enbug Faster)
· Menu of the [Reset with HELP key] in the Shisutemusettoappumenyu
Fixed to å…¥Renaku (Ver0.37 enbug Faster)

Download: NP2 for PSP v0.38
Download: NP21 for PSP v0.38
Source: Here


  1. Sorry, but what is the difference between version "NP2"and version "NP21"?

    Thank you for your attention and sorry for my English.


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