
Ville's Development Log (2011/05/29)

Last time I looked at the Konami Viper driver, it was stuck on unemulated Voodoo 3 functionality (User Interrupt Command). Now that I have implemented that and hacked in some additional Voodoo 3 support (mainly 2D host-to-screen blitting), we get some pretty POST screens from Police 911, Boxing Mania and Mocap Boxing :P

EmuCR: Ville's Development Log - Magical Truck Adventure
EmuCR: Ville's Development Log - Magical Truck Adventure
EmuCR: Ville's Development Log - Magical Truck Adventure

News Source: Here


  1. I say work on Cave games like Deathsmiles and Ibara , maybe Mushihimesama , they are much more worth the effort than those stuff believe me

  2. You don't worth the effort.

  3. #2 you dont have the right to decide who is worth the effort or not , just shut up , prick
    devs have the chance to emulate and give good games to folks , and we have right to comment and suggest


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