
NEWS: Huge easyEmu MAME Guide Update! (2011/08/28)

Hi All

I've just completed a complete revamp of the easyEmu site. As usual the MAME guide has had the most work. Here's whats new...

The whole site has a more "Arcadey" feel.
Every page of the MAME Guide has been updated.
All the graphics and screen grabs have been updated.
There's been a lot of restructuring of pages.
Any redundant information has been removed.
All the site links have been checked and updated.
All the information is up to date with MAME 0.143.
Theres a new page on the HLSL effect.
Theres a new guide for the IV/Play frontend.
The compilation guide for MAME is up to date.
The CLRMame Pro guide is up to date.

You'll probably need to check any links you have as there's been a lot of internal updates.

As usual any feedback is most welcome and any glaring errors too.



News Source: Here


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