
Q-Gears v0.20

EmuCR: NRage Input PluginQ-Gears v0.20 is released. Q-Gears is an attempt to make a clone of Squaresoft´s Final Fantasy 7 game engine. It is designed to be cross-platform and run on modern operating systems such as Win32 and Linux. In the future this is to serve as a framework for compatibility with other Square games.

Q-Gears v0.20 Changelog:
[Content] Add begin and main menu prototype. Add idol screen to show UI posibilities. [Akari]
[UI] Add spetion parameter start == -1 to play_animation so start it from very end. [Akari]
[UI] Add script functions set_alpha and set_z. [Akari]
[UI] Add z depth to widgets. [Akari]
[UI] Add text_align attribute for tag. now text can be centered. [Akari]
Menu wip.
utility for find loop raw wav chunks.
psf output completed, raw wav output completed.

EmuCR: ArcadePC Loader

Download: Q-Gears v0.20
Source: Here


  1. Don't steal other's news without giving credit!

  2. i wonder if it'll play kingdom hearts :D


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