
ODAMEX v0.5.5

EmuCR:ODAMEX ODAMEX v0.5.5 is released. ODAMEX is a modified Doom source port. Supported platforms are Windows, Mac, Linux and FreeBSD. It has been designed to allow client/server-based Doom gameplay over the Internet and LAN. It currently supports the traditional old-school style of Deathmatch and a Cooperative mode, but it also includes other game modes such as Teamplay and Capture the Flag. It also supports an array of editing features, including the BOOM map format, DeHackEd and BEX patch support and support for several additional music formats, such as MOD and OGG.

ODAMEX v0.5.5 Changelog:
General Odamex Changes:
General bug fixes and code optimizations.
Improved Zdoom compatibility.
A number of desync fixes including weapon pickups, projectile explosions, and barrels not always disappearing.
Dramatically improved in-game wad downloading speeds.
New [[[help]]] console command for both server and client.
Added [[[rcon_logout]]] command for clients.
Fixed an issue that caused servers with a timelimit making client netdemos incredibly large.

Odamex Client Changes:
Fixed a critical crash caused by sounds being played during in-game wad downloading
Addition of a Network Options menu
Many sound improvements, including better channel management
Alternate chat sound for team & spectator chat
Addition of [[[r_painintensity]]]. This variable allows clients to modify their red pain screen where servers allow it.
Addition of [[[hud_crosshairhealth]]]. This variable colors the crosshair relative to the player's overall health value.
Screenshots taken at arbitrary resolutions are no longer skewed.
Clients now have a 128 character limit on chat strings.

Odamex Server Changes:
Addition of [[[co_fixweaponimpacts]]]. When enabled, puffs, explosions, etc. will appear where expected on surfaces.
Addition of [[[sv_forcerespawn]]] and [[[sv_forcerespawntimer]]] for server controlled respawn times.
Addition of [[[sv_allowredscreen]]]. When enabled, clients can modify their pain screens from default values.
[[[sv_maxrate]]] value changed to be in terms of kbps. SERVER ADMINS PLEASE MAKE NECESSARY CHANGES.
New cvar [[[sv_waddownloadcap]]] can be used to throttle downloads to a specified rate. Defaults to [[[sv_maxrate]]] value.

Download: ODAMEX v0.5.5
Source: Here


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