
StepMania v5.0 Preview 4

EmuCR:StepManiaStepMania v5.0 Preview 4 is released. StepMania is a music/rhythm game. The player presses different buttons in time to the music and to note patterns that scroll across the screen. Features 3D graphics, visualizations, support for gamepads/dance pads, a step recording mode, and more! StepMania is a music / rhythm game. The player presses different buttons in time to the music and to note patterns that scroll across the screen. Features 3D graphics, visualizations, support for gamepads / dance pads, a step recording mode, and more!

StepMania v5.0 Preview 4 Changelog:
* [NoteDataUtil] More accurate Left, Right, and Mirror mods for Pump gameplay. Major thanks to Hudson Felker and Bill Shillito here. [Wolfman2000]

* [ScreenHighScores] Disable forced screen transition behavior when ManualScrolling=true. [AJ]

* [GameState] Added CurrentOptionsDisqualifyPlayer(player), ApplyPreferredModifiers(player,string) and ApplyStageModifiers(player,string) Lua bindings. [AJ]

* [Fallback theme] Fix ImmediateHoldLetGo function. [Wolfman2000]
* [GameState] Add the EditAllowedForExtra metric. Use this if you want edit steps to be allowed for accessing the extra stage. By default, this is false. [Wolfman2000]

* [Default theme] Added Song Timing Display user preference. [AJ]
* [ThemeManager] Add global Scripts dir. [shakesoda]

* [WheelItemBase] Added GetColor and GetText Lua bindings. [AJ]

* [ScreenEdit] Disable shifting timing changes down one beat if starting on beat 0. Important information must stay on that beat. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenEdit] Disable converting rows to a stop or beat starting on beat 0. There should be no reason for this at this time. [Wolfman2000]
* [MusicWheelItem] Add/reinstate MusicWheelItem Mode Normal/Color/OverPart. [AJ]
* [FadingBanner] Added LoadFromSortOrder(SortOrder) Lua binding. [AJ]

* [ScreenEvaluation] Added RollingNumbersMaxComboClass metric. [AJ]
* [NotesLoaderSM] Fix loading .sm files with non standard difficulty names. It should be Hard, not Heavy. [Wolfman2000]

* [ScreenDebugOverlay] Replaced hardcoded toggle command with ButtonTextToggledCommand metric. [AJ]
* [LoadingWindow_Win32] Make the StepMania window gain focus after the loading window closes. Fixes issue 424. [AJ]

* [FadingBanner] Added LoadRandom(), LoadRoulette(), LoadFallback(), LoadCourseFallback(), and GetBanner(int) Lua bindings. [AJ]

* [Song] Added GetSampleStart() and GetSampleLength() Lua bindings. [Wolfman2000]

* [UnlockManager] Added GetNumLockedSongs() Lua binding. [Wolfman2000]
* [UnlockManager] Added IsSongLocked() Lua binding. [Wolfman2000]

* [NotesLoaderSSC/WriterSSC] Allow all timing tags regardless of what timing
is used. [Wolfman2000]

* [ScreenEvaluation] Added "evaluation full combo W1" and "evaluation full combo W2" announcer cues. [AJ]
* [Banner] Added "Banner group fallback" graphic. [AJ]

* [NotesLoaderBMS] Rewrite the BMS loader, should fix issues 430 and 500. [theDtTvB]

* [GameManager] Fix shifting of 2P notes in beat mode. [1a2a3a2a1a]

* [Model] Added GetDefaultAnimation() Lua binding. [AJ]
* [GameState] Added GetEarnedExtraStage() Lua binding. [AJ]

* [MenuTimer] Added start(), disable() Lua bindings. Also renamed setseconds to SetSeconds to match GetSeconds. [AJ]
* [GameManager] beat "versus" -> "versus5"; fix beat versus7 being "single7". [1a2a3a2a1a]

* Updated libjpeg to 8c.
* [SongManager] Added GetCoursesInGroup(sCourseGroup,bIncludeAutogen), GetSongGroupBannerPath(songGroup), GetCourseGroupBannerPath(courseGroup), DoesSongGroupExist(songGroup), DoesCourseGroupExist(courseGroup) and GetPopularSongs() Lua bindings. [AJ]
* [SongManager] Added GetPreferredSortSongs(), GetPreferredSortCourses(courseType,bIncludeAutogen ), and GetPopularCourses(courseType) Lua bindings. [AJ]
* [SongManager] Add SongToPreferredSortSectionName(song), WasLoadedFromAdditionalSongs(song), and WasLoadedFromAdditionalCourses(course) Lua bindings. [AJ]
* [CryptManager] Add GenerateRandomUUID() Lua binding. [AJ]
* [ThemeManager] Added DoesThemeExist(sTheme), IsThemeSelectable(sTheme), DoesLanguageExist(sLang), GetCurThemeName(), HasMetric(sGroup,sValue), and HasString(sGroup,sValue) Lua bindings. [AJ]

* [Makefile.am] Fixed version date and time handling. [AJ]

* [PrefsManager, X11Helper] Added ShowMouseCursor preference. [AJ]
* [UnlockManager] Added GetStepOfAllTypes Lua binding. This gets the locked Steps for all game types based on the difficulty specified. [Wolfman2000]
* [UnlockManager] Added requirepasschallengesteps Lua binding. This is more self-explanitory: pass challenge to be able to play edits. [Wolfman2000]

* [NotesLoaderSSC] Fix loading pre-split timing files that had blank timing tags inside of them. Thanks to Vin.il for the catch. [Wolfman2000]
* [Song] Added Jacket, CD image (a la early DDR), and Disc (PIU-style) support. Added GetJacketPath(), GetCDImagePath(), GetDiscPath(), HasJacket(), HasDisc(), and HasCDImage() Lua bindings. [AJ]

Download: StepMania v5.0 Preview 4
Source: Here


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