
FB Alpha Shuffle v2.1.0 Test

EmuCR: FB Alpha ShuffleFB Alpha Shuffle v2.1.0 Test is released. FB Alpha Shuffle is an unofficial version based on FBA with many pointless features.

FB Alpha Shuffle Features:
- added AVI recorder and input macro. [Gangta, emufan]
- added support translated game name list in game selection dialog. [Sho, 800]
you can import game names from mamep.lst while exporting gamelist. (put mamep.lst under fbas.exe or config dir)
- added IPS v4 support from MAMEPlus!. (Thanks to Emuman, emufan)
- added image menu from MAMEPlus!. (Thanks to Emuman, kkez)
- added select background image and select random image functions.
- added set misc paths and improved UI for game selection dialog.
- added save preset and save default input mapping, file is saved in config/presets.
- added some custom images in .\res folder, you can replace these images with what you like.
- added display score, select, gameover, boss snapshot to game selection dialog.
- added support archived preview image (zip or 7z).
(name it: snap, titles, flyers, score, select, boss, gameover. ext = zip/7z).
- added load cheat from archive file (name it: cheat.zip/7z), also added cheat select/reload.
- added filters in game selection dialog. (it also can filter the custom translated game names)
(type "lamer" in the filter and it will show unavailable/missing sets)
you can edit "user-filter" value in fbas.xml to define your filter string, separate with semicolon.
- added save favorite games (the file is in config/favorites.ini).
- added "Undo" for input recordings, "Rewind" for input recording playback. [blip]
- added adjustable emulation speeds (shift + +/-) and frame counter display. [blip]
- added a simple jukebox for neogeo, cps1/2 games. (Thanks to CaptainCPS-X, iq_132)
(put sound.dat of caname in .\config folder with UTF-8 encode)
- added 7-Zip support. (http://www.7-zip.org/)
- added XAudio2 sound output. (need install new DirectX runtime/SDK)
- added OpenAL sound output.
- added OpenGL, GDI, Direct2D video output.
- added select audio device and select display adapter.
- added autofire support, you can set the autofire delay value in input mapping dialog.
(autofire only affects normal buttons, doesn't support direction and macro buttons)
- added custom button feature. (Map Game Inputs ==> Custom buttons)
- added configurable hotkeys. (Thanks to mauzus)
- changed the emulator will not depend on kailleraclient.dll.
You can put kailleraclient.dll in the same directory as the emulator if you want to netplay.
- changed all romsets to match MAME Plus!.
- removed many rarely-used features from official FBA.
- Many thanks to OopsWare (http://oopsware.googlepages.com/) for porting PGM, CPS3 and many other drivers to FBA.

FB Alpha Shuffle v2.1.0 Test Changelog:
- changed fba shuffle version to 2.0.0.
- separated burn library to dll. (you can select different dll from "Help" menu)
- separated pixel filters to dll.
- corrected fps for some pgm games.
- fixed game running after window reactive if pause manually.
- fixed cpu usage after exit game if filter is enabled.
- fixed create kaillera game list.
- fixed image scale in fake fullscreen mode.
- fixed frame display when pause.
- fixed scanline rotation in vertical games.
- added custom button feature. (Map Game Inputs ==> Custom buttons)
- added log window to show emulation debug information. (change log="true" in fbas.xml to enable log)
- added GDI video output.
- added Direct2D video output. (require win7 or vista sp2)
- adjusted config file structure.
- changed cheat, game config, favorite, gamelist file to xml.
(you can use banunu, a tool of fba shuffle to convert old ini files)
- changed some default settings.
- improved frameskip on windows 7 when aero is enabled for direct3d driver.
- improved autofire, support custom buttons, settings will be saved in game config file.
- improved keyboard focus for gamelist dialog.
(press F3 in gamelist will set focus to the filter combobox)
- mamep.lst must be saved as utf8(bom) for exporting local gamelist.
- removed unstable simple jukebox, M1 is the best choice to play sounds of games.
- source code cleanup & optimization.
* it's recommended to delete old config/games/*.nv files before using.

Download: FB Alpha Shuffle v2.1.0 Test x86
Download: FB Alpha Shuffle v2.1.0 Test x64
Source: Here


  1. So this Chinese Virus filled project is still goin on eh?

    so is the source code included as specified by FBAs Terms of use?

    also the source website is dead.

  2. you misunderstand , I LOVE FBA, OFFICIAL, but these guys developing shuffle have not been following the License agreement for FBA and halted development on the original because they would not release the source code, and no the chinese devs are not the best in the scene.

    Mame is slow as shit and plays horribly online, FBA is still the king for Neogeo and any Arcade games.

  3. #4 who cares about license agreements , if they are preventing the addition of useful features (even not useful for you someone may like it)

  4. That is a pretty ignorant comment, the license is not preventing the addition of useful features.


    "You can use, modify and redistribute this code freely as long as you don't do so commercially. This copyright notice must remain with the code. If your program uses this code, you must either distribute or link to the source code. If you modify or improve this code, you must distribute the source code improvements."

    That is the License agreement and it must be followed, so you can take your ignorant ass comments elsewhere.


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