
MAME Plus! v0.144 r4938

EmuCR: MAME Plus!
MAME Plus! v0.144 r4938 is released. New version of this MAME Emulator for Windows. MAME Plus! has many features to make it a great unoffical build.

MAME Plus! SVN Changelog:
* updated tp_mame.txt
* Fix CPS3 korea string
* updated jp list (jplist0144r4933_1118) [mamelist jp]

Download: MAME Plus! v0.144 r4938 x86
Download: MAME Plus! v0.144 r4938 x64
Download: MAME Plus! GUI 1.5.0.win
Source: Here


  1. Oh god do romz kiddiez make me laugh.most didnt even know who cave was and had never played a cave game in their life,but now that its removed all the children are up in arms

    fucking losers

  2. #2 you are the real loser just insulting every opinion that is negative

    I'm just looking forward to my 4th Cave 1cc with Mushi Futari , although being bit hard with jumpy slowdown emulation

  3. @varg so i guess #1 isnt insulting & negative,right? goofball

  4. @varg:you must be another romz kiddie

  5. could someone hook me up with a site where the latest mame plus is compiled every time with CAVE SH3 included? thanks! ( figured ill use this comment section for something useful :p )

  6. Cave have contacted mamedev team to remove cavesh3 driver
    do you really want mame become illegal fucking kids just for you
    pleasure go buy arcade game if you want to play it

  7. hey varg:we speak english here.what is insulting every comment that is negative mean?

  8. HA HA HA no more cave games for the kiddies.they were not smart enough to save the 143 source & diff files.HA HA HA!!! Even if they did save those things,most are to stupid to compile for themselves.HA HA HA!! think I will go play do donpachi now...HA HA HA!!!


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