
Mupen64Plus 20111213

EmuCR: Mupen64PlusMupen64Plus 20111213 is released. Mupen64Plus is a N64 emulator and plugins for Linux, Mac OSX, and FreeBSD. Mupen64Plus is a plugin-based N64 emulator for Linux which is capable of accurately playing many games. Included are four MIPS R4300 CPU emulators, with dynamic recompilers for 32-bit x86 and 64-bit amd64 systems, and necessary plugins for audio, graphical rendering (RDP), signal co-processor (RSP), and input. There are 3 OpenGL video plugins included: glN64, RiceVideoLinux, and Glide64.

Mupen64Plus Features:
* Dynamic recompilers for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (amd64) machines
* 3 OpenGL video plugins: glN64, RiceVideoLinux, Glide64
* Hi-resolution texture support in Rice Video
* LIRC Infrared remote control support
* Rumble Pak support
* Graphical R4300 debugger
* Cheat system with gameshark code support
* Speed adjustment with smooth sound output
* GTK2-based GUI
* Qt4-based GUI
* Command-line options for integration into other systems
* Installation support for multi-user systems

Mupen64Plus 20111213 Changelog:
- fixed issue 424 - now the SDL device number and N64 controller index are handled separately
- reverting the ini change which was not necessary
- improved input setup behavior (auto-config) by checking SDL joystick name for match in configuration parameters before accepting stored config. Also, do not re-load a stored Keyboard configuration that was auto-generated. These changes should resolve most of the trouble that users have been reporting with the input setup over the last year

Download: Mupen64Plus 20111213
Source: Here


  1. Good job, but i hope more work on LLE plugin and RSP (for accuracy). Thanks!

  2. Most of these changes are just "pheripheral" changes to the emulator. Hardly see any fixes to the core or graphics for a long time.

    Are you guys out of ideas or what?
    Do some proper devt work on the emulator itself i.e. core, or graphics.

  3. Yes but a few games still not working in 2011...

  4. I think new "blood" is badly needed in the devt team.


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