
Bsnes-SX2 v006

EmuCR: Bsnes-BsxBsnes-SX2 v006 is released. Bsnes-SX2 (originally called Bsnes-Bsx) is a modified version of bsnes 0082 to improve the use of BS-X files, programs used by the X-Satellaview.

Bsnes-SX2 v006 Changelog:
- XBAND is now supported. (Without Online features)
- Added Cartridge Tilt and Swap features.
- New name. "sx2" stands for "Seru's bs-X and Xband".

Download: Bsnes-SX2 v006 x86
Download: Bsnes-SX2 v006 x64
Source: Here


  1. Not slow at all. And byuu is not the leader of the BS-x project btw. You guys dont know anything about this it seems...

    Sigh, keep hatin'

  2. Too bad that they don't understand much, while i'm developing this fork of bsnes the whole time...

  3. @then i apologize!
    im anti byu and any sopa pipa and bring back megaupload ;3

  4. @Anonymous
    Go back to /b/ and stay there. At least I don't want you here, you're not bringing anything useful to the emulation community with your worthless comments.

  5. @7
    I don't live in America, not even close. I know about SOPA and PIPA and I'm not positive to any of them although it is quite off topic anyway.

    What I don't like is all the hate against byuu, haven't followed that too well though. He cant have done that much harm? The things I've read that he has written might have been harsh but also true. It's fact that he has created the best Super Nintendo emulator to this date however, and he should have creds for it. The other SNES emulator developers have already given up.

  6. @8 i agree man, im fucking mad because the americans deleted all my damn anime, and most fansubs used megaupload now around 60% of the anime is gone and they dont sell anime in my country, i will never be abble to se galaxy express 999 and super robot wars the inspector ;_;

  7. Dont give up on this emu ,just because martin beat you in every way, as you stated in the snesdev forum ,please just grab the snes satellita vie notes form him and continue your work,please dont be discourage by it

  8. LuigiBlood is giving up in this project just because martin owning him in the satellita view deparment
    Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:54 pm Post subject:
    I managed to see the documentation via Google Cache...

    It's almost like my Satellaview RE work is reduced to nothing...

    But i have to say, bravo, and seriously, thanks.
    Really nice stuff...

    more info here

  9. But i'm not giving up!
    I just released v007!


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