
Mame32Plus [Ash-Build] v0.144u6

EmuCR: Mame32Plus [Ash-Build]Mame32Plus [Ash-Build] v0.144u6 is released. Mame32Plus [Ash-Build] is a new version of the MAME.

Mame32Plus [Ash-Build] v0.144u6 changelog:
-Updated at 22-01-2012.

NOTE: Some of those game must be hanging or doesn´t working at all, please gimme feedback about it.

- Updated to last mame/mameplus source.
- Updated The King of Fighters '98 - Combo (Hack by Ivex).
- Removed all CPS3 non CD games due request.
- Added 1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620) Fire Power Ver by qxs8.


Download: Mame32Plus [Ash-Build] v0.144u6
Source: Here


  1. Mame Plus Cave SH3 is back

    Release: MAME Plus! v0.144u6 r4971 x86 SH3 Build

    Proof Image: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/337/68524024.jpg/

    Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?4lspxaih4k4ub

    1.Fixed Cave SH3 Driver to use new bitmap formats.
    2.Fixed Diver Crashes.
    3.Compiled with gcc 4.5 with personal optimizations, will allow to run sh3 games at full speed on a DualCore systems without any lag(Pentium/Athlon systems will gain up to 10-15% speed improvements).

    Bookmark Mediafire folder for update releases.

    We are back!

  2. Nice one. Could you upload the source?

  3. x64 build would be nice too. Glad someone has taken this on finally.

  4. can you add speed hacks on this one ?

  5. another mame clone damm how many of them anyway ?

  6. #1 Source will be released later if our Korean friends are OK with it, since they have contributed much to the new source code, we will ask them and upload the source in the same mediafire.com folder.

    #2 Many people are asking for x64 builds, so it will be released with the next update.

    #3 The binary is already optimized, you really don't need the speed hacks with this build.

    #4 This is not a clone.

    If you found any bug in the build, please post your comments here, as the binary is compiled with unofficial toolchain and there might be some bugs, which we will try to remove in the next releases.

    Mame Plus Cave SH3 Team

  7. Problem with SH3 now is lack of slowdown in games. Without slowdown the games are unplayable. Did you see the "slowpoke" build posted on shmups by xMetalliCx? This is what is needed just without the bugs.

    It still needs speedups too, it's not much faster than MAME official build. SH3 really needs recompiler for this though.

  8. slowpoke build has slowdowns emulated but runs faster o.0

    we just need someone to merge this mameplus cave sh3 with slowpoke and it will be heaven

  9. New SH3 source is now uploaded in the mediafire folder.

    Regarding slowpoke edition if the author is ok with it he can build it with the source as at the moment we are supporting mame plus only, we usually use native build for our personal use (benchmarking show usually 130%-140% speed with slowdowns around 90% which is fairly playale) but those binaries cannot be distributed as it will not work for your system at all.

    Mame Plus source is unfortunately uncompile able in vc++ now, some friends are working on it, this is the best thing we can give you at the moment.

  10. Thx a lot for the sources, compiled fine here :)


  11. This is nice but without slowdown emulated the games are unplayable.

    Also no more speed can be squeezed out of it without a dynarec for the sh3 really. Not without butchering the code anyway.

    What does the latest update do?

  12. lol you are posting the same original MAME build with a different version number each time.



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