
S-EMu 2012.01

EmuCR: S-EMuThanks Sh3R3iF for submitting news
S-EMu 2012.01 is released. S-EMu is a Nintendo DS & GameBoy Advance & Playstation 2 emulator package. This Package have NO$Zoomer, NO$GBA, NO$MOOZ, NOZ, myZOOM, NGZoom, NO$GBA 2X, iDeaS, DesMuME & VBA-M.

S-EMu 2012.01 Changelog:
- DesMuME SVN 4153
- VBA-M SVN 1064
- USRcheat.dat 13/01/2012 (DeSmuME & NO$Zoomer)
- PCSX2 SVN 5029

Download: S-EMu 2012.01
Source: Here


  1. i agree completely why not just make new folder rename it Emulators, then in that folder unpack all the different emulators into their corrsponding folder, along with roms iso's covers & manuals.

  2. "PCSX2 SVN 5029" lol this is why i dont like emu packs.

  3. who puts these together?!? and whats more,WHY do the put these together? im pretty sure every emulator user knows where to get the emulators,and doesnt need these outdated packs

  4. wow this is the best emu evah!!

    lots of emulator in 1 package? what more could we possibly ask for, this is the best thing since hot sweaty sex!!!

    could u please add dolphin in ur next release of this emulator? lawl

  5. S-Emu VS WinDS Pro VS any multiplier emulator...

  6. S-Emu VS WinDS = profit xD

    please don't insulting them. if you human. if not you are ...

  7. EmuCR + unofficial builds = profit xD

    I'm joking like Anonymus#9 I like all the effort of them and emucr

  8. hi lol I just read u all u guys are funny
    I am anonymus #11 btw
    see ya xD


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