
Emu Loader v6.5.3

EmuLoaderEmu Loader v6.5.3 is released. Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.

Emu Loader v6.5.3 Changelog:
- Rename/delete images was never possible, unless the main menu "Images" was accessed first
- Rename/delete images with popup menu was not working while in layouts view mode
- Minor UI bugs
- Quiting the frontend in full screen mode. After restart EL and disable full screen mode, main window state was not restored correctly
- Images panel visible when restarting EL in thumbnails view mode
- Feature "center image splitters" was not working correctly for some layouts (image layouts view)
- Buttons / checkboxes / radiogroups components disappear when pressing the ALT key (Windows themes support is buggy in Delphi 7 for some components)
- Game selection's alpha blend setting was always disabled on restart
- Panels in "Image Layout Settings" screen were not being correctly shown/hidden (visual bug only)
- Splash screen's texts frame not moving along with splash screen while dragging it
- Several UI bugs in MAME settings screen, including tooltips

- Main menu bar is gone. All options are now in the first button at the main tool bar buttons. Can also be hidden
- Modified my splitter component to accept a single color, a popup menu... and more goodies
- Splitters in main screen set to "Office 2007 Luna" style by default. Customizable at preferences screen, "General" page
- Replaced all top/bottom bars by my new TPanelEx component with vista grandient styles (external image files no longer needed)
- Moved Daphne settings from preferences screen to its own config screen and added new settings. A new file is created: "\emulator_ini\daphne_el.ini"
- Moved "\images\msgbox_icons\" folder to "\resources\main_icons\msgbox_icons\" and converted into .ico files

- Dual gradient selection bar visually improved (menus / popup menus)
- Preferences screen make-up. Sections separated by pages
- New hint control to mimic Windows 7 hints/tooltips (games list has its own custom hint, it cannot be changed)
- More code cleanups and optimizations
- Replaced all checkboxes, radiogroups and groupboxes by my new custom components. Custom label colors and shadow texts

- Select random game feature on main tool bar buttons is gone. This feature never worked right while filters are enabled
- The following files are no longer needed (all from "resources\images\" folder):
"msgbox_bottom.png", "msgbox_bottom_border_left.png", "msgbox_bottom_border_right.png", "checkbox_on.png", "checkbox_off.png", "msgbox_top.png", "systembk_top.png", "textbar.png", "textbar2.png"

New settings for "Image Layouts View"
- "Show Splitter Grip Icon" -> toggle on/off grip dots in splitter (images popup menu)... enabled by default
- "Customize Splitters" -> customize splitters appearance (images popup menu, preferences screen / "Images" section)
- "Splitter Style" -> fixed gradient colors, "single color" style can be customized (preferences screen / "Images" section)
- "Center This Splitter" -> center only one splitter on a image layouts view (mouse right-click directly on the splitter)
- "Enable Layout Dimensions" -> show a window with the size of each image panel (in pixels), for extreme fine-tuning (images popup menu)
Option "Category / Layout Settings" added in images popup menu for quicker access
New setting for main tool bar filters: "Bound To Games Panel". Check this option to limit the tool bar to the games list panel. This will increase the size of the images panel even more (menu "View" / "Tool Bar" and in "Customize Tool Bar" screen
NOTE: if the games panel is too short, use the small tool bar buttons or increase the games panel width by using the splitter
New setting: "Show Image Border" (enabled by default). Show a 7 pixels border around the image panel (images popup menu)

Download: EmuLoader v6.5.3
Source: Here


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