
JavAtari v1.08

EmuCR: JavAtariJavAtari v1.08 is released. JavAtari is a multiplayer Atari 2600 emulator written in pure Java with no external libs.

- Unique Client-Server multiplayer mode. Runs great in low-latency networks such as LANs.
- Cheat and turn off Collisions. Finally discover the ending of River Raid!
- Complete Save State/Load State functions.
- Scanlines and TV screen emulation modes.
- Real Atari console user interface.

JavAtari v1.08 Changelog:
- Another change in Cartridge loading functions
- F5 loads from a FILE
- F6 loads from any URL
- F7 removes the Cartridge
- ALT + F5/F6: loads the Cartridge with no auto power on/off
- ZIP file support for ROMs
- JNLP deploy for easy online launch
- Any parameter from the properties file can now be overriden
via command line arguments (-param=value)

EmuCR: JavAtari

Download: JavAtari v1.08
Source: Here


  1. Wow, that is a good looking interface! :-)


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