
XRoar v0.28

XRoar v0.28 is released. XRoar is a Dragon emulator for Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, GP32, Nintendo DS and Windows. Due to hardware similarities, XRoar also emulates the Tandy Colour Computer (CoCo) models 1 & 2.

XRoar v0.28 Changelog:
* New keyboard map: Canadian French [Pierre Sarrazin]
* CPU core optimisations.
* VDG palette tweaks.
* Allow user to specify rom lists with -romlist, and inspect the currently
defined lists with -romlist-print.
* Similarly, allow user to specify ROM CRC32s that are equivalent with
-crclist, printing current list with -crclist-print.
* Use ROM CRCs to determine which breakpoints are effective.
* Force CRC matching (breakpoints only based on arch) with -force-crc-match.
* Add -tape-write option to specify an output tape file on the command line.
* Add -type option to type a string into BASIC.
* Permit incomplete last tracks in JVC disk images.
* Removed GP32 and NDS support from main tree.
* Remove obsolete GTK+ version 1 file requester.
* Test for and use GLib list and hash functions if available.
* Data bus state updated during NVMA (fixes Manic Miner protection).
* -tape-pad-auto leader thresholds updated.

EmuCR: XRoar

Download: XRoar v0.28 Windows (32-bit)
Download: XRoar v0.28 Windows (64-bit)
Source: Here


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