
JavaCPC Desktop v1.7

EmuCR: JavaCPC DesktopJavaCPC Desktop v1.7 is released. JavaCPC Desktop is a brand new Amstrad CPC emulator. It is based on JEMU and is an extremely improved release from JavaCPC 6.7. JavaCPC Desktop is designed to be used on Windows systems only, but maybe can run also on other systems, but a few features will be missing then.

JavaCPC Desktop v1.7 Changelog:
- Fixed keyboard Germanic.
- Fixed a bug that disabled the ROMs when you activate the panel-of-status.
- Fixed a bug that made that external resources were not copied to C: \ Users \ \ JavaCPC so that the internal apps not working.

EmuCR: JavaCPC Desktop

Download: JavaCPC Desktop v1.7
Source: Here


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