
Jpcsp SVN r2575

EmuCR:JPcspJpcsp SVN r2575 is compiled. JPCSP is the most advanced PlayStation Portable(PSP) emulator, allowing you to play your PSP games on a PC. Even though Jpcsp is written in Java, it can already reach 100% PSP speed on a lot of commercial games... and the emulator performance is constantly increasing. Jpcsp takes full advantage of dual-core processors, matching the PSP dual-core architecture. Even a quad-core can give a small performance improvement by leaving free CPU cores for the Java JIT Compiler and the graphics cache.

Jpcsp SVN changelog:
Fixes in 3D export:
- textures are now exported in 32-bit PNG format (instead of 32-bit BMP which was not supported by all 3D modeling applications)
- texture face (front/back) and orientation (clockwise/counter-clockwise) should now be correct
- texture should no longer be upside-down

Download: Jpcsp SVN r2575
Source: Here


  1. crappppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp dont even try you will fail

  2. lol i guess you just dont know how to use it or set it up...first download this..then download the launcher so can config advanced java settings..then launch within launcher then setup emulator way want..not my fault ppl cant get emulators to run correctly..this runs all my games smoothly on my inspiron 1525 laptop without overclocks..know this not dev site but to the devs working on this keep up the great work! to those who put down this emulator i guess your what 12 yrs old? java might not be the fastest but it damn sure is the easiest to learn and if you dont know what to do in terms of setting up an emulator then i guess thats on you...again ty for update devs lookin forward to more

    1. you a realy a low profil noob^^ i guess u are fat anggry german kid whoes crying cuz germany lost! 2:1 muahghagha

  3. and btw what software do you think your dvd players, blueray, and 50% of all software and hardware you use is being run from? they run off of java primarily..also if having problems its what updating is for...all emulators require latest drivers and software updates!

  4. ya haha @2 is shit talker its not about config this emulator its about programming it with other more reliable prog. language. And java the less effecient lang. i ever saw show me a good java emulator xD

  5. chad ur a fucking moron

    this emu blow cuz java suck ass u dick, find me another good emulator coded in java, u wont cuz there aren't any good ones in java

    the other few emulators coded in java suck ass too, thats the nature of the beast, the only difference is that java is not a beast in nature, java is just a faggotry nigger trying to be a weaboo

  6. Why waste time with niche features like exporting 3d models?!

    They should spend time on getting games running....or recoding to C like everyone has been saying for a decade.

    1. I was just thinking how they managed to fuck up their priorities even further than before with this exporter. It's almost as if the whole emulator is just an elaborate trolling attempt...

  7. pleas emucr can you make it run byuu


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