
Jpcsp SVN r2610

EmuCR:JPcspJpcsp SVN r2610 is compiled. JPCSP is the most advanced PlayStation Portable(PSP) emulator, allowing you to play your PSP games on a PC. Even though Jpcsp is written in Java, it can already reach 100% PSP speed on a lot of commercial games... and the emulator performance is constantly increasing. Jpcsp takes full advantage of dual-core processors, matching the PSP dual-core architecture. Even a quad-core can give a small performance improvement by leaving free CPU cores for the Java JIT Compiler and the graphics cache.

Jpcsp SVN changelog:
Improved sceKernelSleepThread and sceUmdWaitDriveStat: check if the wait state
is still valid after a callback execution.
Improved sceDisplaySetFrameBuf: do not update the GE context while a rendering
is in progress, wait for the next display.
Added further debugging function in the compiler to check if compiled code has
been modified dynamically.
Can only be activated by a developer.
Small improvement in ProOnline support: made server name and port configurable
through Settings.properties.
Improved ProOnline network support:
- Matching event COMPLETE has to be called from the matching input thread
- added support for 2 Jpcsp instances on the same computer (for testing purpose)
InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress() is only available in java 1.7 (spotted by

Download: Jpcsp SVN r2610
Source: Here


  1. I bought a $10,000 PC for this and I got 3 FPS LOL! It will last me a century!

    1. lol, the troll ^^

      that works well with a ~$1000 PC and a lot less

    2. 45 fps ???
      WTF are you using 3 mainframe computers or what
      i would be luckey to get over 5fps

    3. I'm playing rebirth with 50 fps in a AMD 985. I dont know what you guys are complaining......

    4. 45fps in Ridge Racer.

      Core 2 Duo @ 2.9ghz

  2. breaking news! byuu will join this emu and he will code it to make it accurate... in JAVA

  3. This is beyond the pale, I say.

  4. This doesn't even run Half Minute hero properly, I get a nasty tiling effect on the overworld map.

  5. speaking from testing

  6. eww... nice that file size going bigger and bigger

  7. You need a $2000 anus for 3 fingers. and after 5 years you need to buy another $2000 anus in order to insert 3 fingers fullspeed.

  8. Guys This emulator need Nvidia card to work good because OpenCL is better in Nvidia Cards than ATI cards so, anyone have Nvidia card can play games on it and who have ATI card will not be able to play games on this emulator
    and yes this is stupid emulator and stupid developers

  9. r2609
    Improved ProOnline network support:
    - Matching event COMPLETE has to be called from the matching input thread
    - added support for 2 Jpcsp instances on the same computer (for testing purpose)

    WOW added support to run 2 JPCSP on 1 computer
    i like getting negative fps
    are these devs fucking retarded or what
    get 1 JPCSP running on 1 computer at 60fps first

  10. Вся проблема этого эмулятора в том, что он ещё в очень плачевном состоянии до сих пор. Он использует java язык, который довольно не популярен в програмировании, вот наверное почему он до сих пор выдаёт на топовом железе в лучшем случае 10 кадров, а на железе обычного пользователя в лучшем случае 7, но чаще всего 3-5...
    Им нужно переходить на другой язык, к примеру Visual C ++, иначе этот эмулятор так и не сможет никуда двигаться от сегодняшнего состояния...

  11. К примеру-у меня Tekken 6 как показывал 4 кадра, так и показывает... и это печально...
    А ведь сколько уже релизов минуло после того, как эту игру смогли сэмулировать, уже и сбился считать, но времени прошло достаточно...

  12. and the forecast for this emu isssss..... cloudy skies with lots of rain,
    this emu is a piece crap!!!!!

  13. All I can hope is that gid15 doesn't come here and read these inane comments.
    Really, why do you people troll EVERY single jPCSP post here? Don't you get bored?

  14. I made a test video in my new pc capable of playing mass effect 3, borderland and bioshock at max settings, guess what Jpcsp runs like crap at 26fps
    tales of radiant mythology 3 gameplay JPCSP


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