
Wine v1.5.8 Final

EmuCR:WineWine v1.5.8 Final is released. Wine is a project to allow a PC running a Unix-like operating system and the X Window System to run x86 programs for Microsoft Windows. Alternately, those wishing to port a Windows application to a Unix-like system can compile it against the Wine libraries.

Wine v1.5.8 Final Changelog:
- More stream functionality in the C++ runtime.
- A number of Windows Codecs improvements.
- More WBEM classes and properties.
- Some HTML Help fixes.
- Support for printing fake italic fonts.
- Various bug fixes.

Download: Wine v1.5.8 Final
Source: Here


  1. Ok,perfeito,obrigado

  2. Should be named WHINE, because thats all Linux nerds do.

    A program by peadophiles for peadophiles, and white soft-skinned little plebs that like to fuck their mums.

    I would love to see Linux use a criminal offence, and all Linux nerds fucking shot.
    Roll on UEFI secure booting, and no more Linux.

    1. You have nothing better to do then talk about yourself?

    2. Hey mudlord, how are you doing?

  3. Could someone in charge *please* permanently bar these anonyms and delete their comments (above). This is offensive and absolutely no use to Linux users. --G


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