
MAME SVN r17114

MAMEMAME SVN r17114 is compiled. MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.

MAME SVN Changelog:
* Removing 'after the fact' merged ROMs that appear to have only been made to get MFME to work with them. There are more like this I'm sure (nw)
* Revert r17106 (before spaces changed to _). The following revisions should be intact (nw)

More mpu4.c clone splitting including new files - From Haze (nw)
* memory: Add support for dynamically mapping devices [O. Galibert]

Just call install_device on the space with as parameters:
- start and end of the mapping zone
- device (not pointer to the device)
- map method

and optionally, if the device data width is not the same than the
space data width:
- device data width (for consistency checking)
- unit mask

For instance, the static mapping:
AM_RANGE(0x02114100, 0x02114107) AM_DEVICE8("fdc", n82077aa_device, amap, 0xffffffff)

can be converted to a dynamic mapping (where fdc is a pointer to the device):
install_device(0x02114100, 0x02114107, *fdc, &n82077aa_device::amap, 8, 0xffffffff);
* Gave the dealem expansion board it's own file and derived class
(mpu4dealem.c) because it's a unique expansion, no point in having all
that stuff in the main state. The standard video board it's own state class too, and moved specifics to that, plus converted the scn2674 video chip to be a device (new files there too) again reducing the amount of junk in the base mpu4 state. From Haze (nw)
* some memset() underflow fixes (no whatsnew)

Download:MAME SVN r17114 x86
Download:MAME SVN r17114 x64
Source: Here


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