
ClrMamePro v4.08

EmuCR:ClrMameProClrMamePro v4.08 is released. ClrMamePro is a so-called ROM-manager. With every new release of MAME a lot has been changed. New gamesets have been added, some have been removed, etc.

ClrMamePro v4.08 changelog:
- added: batcher rebuilder and scanner merge mode overwrites
- added: supporting rar and 7z binaries rename operation. However your packer version needs to support it. For 7z, the latest alpha does. If your version does not, you can uncheck the option in settings compressor 7z and/or rar.
- misc: updated to 7z sdk 9.22 for reading and unpacking 7z archives (e.g. supports LZMA2)
- fixed: wrong unneeded files message in samples folder if you're using software lists
- fixed: rare obsolete missing but fixable chd message based on rompath ordering
- fixed: decompressed samples in non wav format causes wrong prompts

Download: ClrMamePro v4.08 32bit
Download: ClrMamePro v4.08 64bit
Source: Here


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