
HBMAME 0.148u1 r21209

EmuCR: HBMAMEHBMAME 0.148u1 r21209 is released. HBMAME (HomeBrew MAME) is a derivate of MAME, and contains various hacks and homebrews that are not included in MAME. It is based on the latest MAME source from SVN at the time of release.

HBMAME 0.148u1 r21209 Changelog::
What's new in HBMAME

2013-02-20 r21209

New Games
- Neo 3D
- Neo Castlevania Demo
- Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave (v1.0)
- Bubble Bobble: Lost Cave (v1.1)
- Pac Manic Miner Man

The extra keys for Pac Manic Miner Man:
G to jump
R to toggle the music on/off
F to toggle the sound effects on/off

There was a mistake in the source creation script and an essential file was missing. This hopefully should be fixed now.

Download: HBMAME 0.148u1 r21209 x86
Download: HBMAME 0.148u1 r21209 x64
Source: Here


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