
jsSMS (2013/04/09)

jsSMS is a Sega Master System & GameGear emulator in JavaScript.

jsSMS (2013/04/09) Changelog:

- Change of name of the source file in SRC.
- Reconstruction of scripts.
- Display of the target of the jump before the operation.
- Minor changes.
- Fixed offset JR on the debugger.
- Fixed a bug in the opcode JR to prevent the execution of Zexall.
- Muting for now.
- Update all OP_INDEX_CB_STATES to reflect newly added opcodes.
- Updating the location for Twitter Bootstrap CSS.
- Updated debugger with the recently implemented opcodes.
- Implementation of opcodes DDCB / FDCB.
- The analyzer instruction is faster.
- Minor Changes comments.
- Fixed resetting the frame counter per second and button status.
- Enable optimizations based on type.
- Reconstruction of the buttons of the user interface.


Try Online: jsSMS (2013/04/09)
Source: Here


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